We do love our mobile apps here at techsapiens HQ. We’ve got way more apps than is healthy, and frequently end up embarking on an app cull to get rid of the dozens of rubbish apps that we end up installing to check out and then forget about.

One of the apps that has never been culled (until now, that is) is CloudMagic. Our email client of choice, it has been a standard feature on our phones. CloudMagic is a great app with excellent features, performance and reliability. Where Boxer and Outlook for Android failed, CloudMagic succeeded.

And then – suddenly, things changed and the great, free email app that we knew had changed. CloudMagic was renamed Newton, and instead of being free it cost $50 per year to run. Now, admittedly, $50/year isn’t a fortune in itself, but in the app world it certainly seems like it is, especially when there are so many other free email apps out there including the likes of Gmail, Inbox by Google, Inbox, Boxer… the list goes on.

So, rather than just sighing and forking over the $50 to activate our Newton trial, we decided to have a look around to see what the options were. We thought we had tried them all – and this was mostly true, but thankfully not entirely true.

Enter Nine.

Nine has been a bit of a revelation for us – and if you look at the Play Store reviews, it seems we’re not the only ones who think so. A feature-rich app that calls itself ‘Outlook for Android’ – a title that we think it richly deserves. This isn’t going to be a full app review – there are plenty out there, such as this review from Android Police – which, although a couple of years old, gives you a fairly decent idea of what Nine can do.

If you use Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Office 365 (this is where Nine really shines) and are a power user who demands a bit more than just email from your email app of choice, we strongly suggest that you give Nine a go. Nine does support other providers, but the level of support for Exchange is fantastic and from now on, this is going to be our gold standard for Exchange email apps. Good enough to warrant a blog post – and if you know anything about this blog, you know that’s quite something 🙂

Although it isn’t free, it only costs $10 (one-off) and we are more than happy to pay $10 for the most feature-rich Android / Exchange email client we’ve come across!

Try it & let us know what you think of Nine in the comments!